Ok, so for whatever reason, PBS’ embed code doesn’t seem to be working, so I’ll try to get an actual video link for this article in a few days. Until then, you can scope out the Frontline doc A Class Divided here.
I share the opinion of the teacher who created this experiment – hopefully, one day it will be a thoroughly useless experiment, as the dangers of discrimination are understood as a fundamental evil in our society. Until that day, I would hope that every parent and teacher out there watches this and uses it to rid our world of this unimaginable evil.
As I said to my 8th great physical sciences teacher, a bit of a cranky old guy from St. Lucia, way back in the day – our blood is the same colour. All of humanity’s differences are merely skin deep, and we are but one people living on a small planet hurtling through space at the edge of our galaxy.
There may be as many as 500 million potentially habitable planets – another 500 million Earths, within our galaxy alone.
If we don’t figure out how to live together soon, we have no hope of ever establishing contact with those who assuredly live beyond the Sun. This is an evolutionary step, and we cannot afford to miss it.
Our last attempt at high-speed transport in Canada: the Turbo Train, 1973 - not the work of the author.
The People have a right to move.
So too, does the State – it’s vital that the State have the ability to move large amounts of people and materiel to support the People, really, whenever the People call for it. And the People and the State are one – given that the State would not exist without the People. I find it odd that I would have to go through this diatribe, but given the state of political discourse in this country, this world, it is vital too that the people recognize the State – in a democracy – must work in the service of the collective. Yes, our society is based on Socialist principles.
A populist appeal, a vision for strategic State economic-planning and the real threat of losing our national sovereignty compelled John A. Macdonald, our beloved drunken-buffoon of a first Prime Minister, to work towards completing Canada’s first transcontinental rail link. It was done as a means to encourage British Columbia to join Confederation, not to mention that a transcontinental link was necessary for continued economic expansion and would further solidify the foundation of the fragile young state. Despite a near chronic lack of funding and the Pacific Scandal, the link was completed by the mid-1880s, and Canada was bound in a railway. Canada today has not one, but two major international rail carriers; they are in fact among the largest transportation companies and networks in the entire world.
But when it comes to moving people in Canada, well, we’re coming up short. That’s being overly polite – we’ve shat the bed. Canada, once a world leader in railway design and associated technologies & services, is today considerably behind the times. We have no high-speed link – none – nowhere in Canada do trains travel in excess of 200km/hour. In fact, most don’t go faster than 150km/hour, and that’s painfully slow given that speed of modern trains. Compared to a growing list of nations, such as France, the UK, Germany, Japan and China, Canada lags behind without something largely becoming vital to a first world transportation system – a high-speed electric train. What’s worse is that we have the technology and the industry – least to mention the wide-open expanses – to build a system that could link the nation in incomparable ways. And it would make sense that we ought to have one too – except that time and time again, the Canadian People choose the path of least resistance, and choose the party that looks best on camera. This party, whether wearing Grit Red or Tory Blue, has no real plans for high-speed rail in Canada because they exist in a state of perpetual TV-readiness; prepared to argue, never to act.
It would seem that the Canadian People, much like our American cousins, have lost sight that they have a responsibility to demand progressive action from their elected representatives. Whom they elect, they elect to fight to build what is missing, provide what is lacking – instead, our political battles aren’t over projects anymore, they’re over nuances in policy, in personal attacks and the promotion of an endless cavalcade of wars on apparent immoralities. Who has time to build a world-class high-speed train network when you’re caught up fighting for abstinence-only sex education in some rural backwater middle school, right?
There was once a time when the Prime Minister felt a personal responsibility to build a transcontinental rail link – as a means to connect the whole country though also to propel the development of smaller provincial and city networks as well – so that all Canadians could easily move around our great nation. Today, trying to do the same on VIA – if you want a berth that is – will cost you thousands of dollars and take several days. The only people who seem to be able to afford the privilege of crossing our country by rail are retired middle-class types who think it might be romantic. Good lord! Are you telling me there’s no practical need?
I think it’s obvious our country has to invest in affordable high-speed rail transit, and provide all Canadians a quick and efficient means to get across this vast nation. I think it’s a right shared by all of us, and the State has a responsibility to provide it to us. But we’re clearly going to have to make it a priority for them. Once again, the State works towards the benefit of the People – always.
Rail seems to me to be an inherently socially conscious means of transit. It’s big, it’s fast, it can move a lot of people, who in turn share the limited space within. Most importantly, it can be ecologically and economically sustainable, and was initially instituted in this nation because our elected leaders felt they owed it to the People to link up as many small towns and big cities to the same, shared network.
There’s no reason not to invest in rail. We need to establish a far better degree of inter-connectivity in Canada, and should further encourage people to abandon more polluting technologies in favour of the State-sponsored socially conscious alternative. We need to make it easy for people to get out and visit the country – we don’t do this nearly enough, and it isn’t getting any easier. Canadians need to realize that their nation is massive and diverse, and if it was cheap to get around I’m certain many more of us would jump at the opportunity to get out and explore it. But it will take the will of the People to elect a State that seeks to invest in itself, as that is the best method to encourage new growth and a stronger economy. We need a transportation revolution in Canada to improve all our lives, but we must also be willing to pay for it, and recognize that strategic planning does not bestow much instantaneous gratification. And perhaps this is why so few of our politicians promote it – they likely won’t be around to reap the benefits of their petitioning as their political career is a mere stepping stone into the world of corporate governance.
And that is the great sad truth of our era, and something I hope we’ll one day do without, because I’m getting sick and tired spending seven-ten hours traveling to Toronto on the Megabus. Seriously, what’s up with that twenty minute mad-dash at the Kingston Bus Terminal Tim Horton’s anyways?
As the photos here demonstrate, the Old Port was once the port, and the area currently occupied with restaurants, boutique hotels and galleries was once highly industrial/commercial. All those sweet lofts you now covet were once working-class housing, and the port had a bit of a reputation for being a seedy, run-down part of an old city falling apart at the seams. Consider the size of Grain Elevator No.5, and imagine three elevators of a similar size, not to mention cold-storage warehouses and functioning piers and all associated logistical equipment, ripped out from their moorings and cleared away. Though this was doubtless a smart move for the city (as more modern port facilities were constructed further East and the area once occupied by the port was turned into one of the classiest neighbourhoods in the city), it nonetheless had a deep impact on the psyche of local inhabitants.
Approaching Montreal's port - late-1960s, early 1970s; not the work of the author.
On a final note – there are two elements of port life I would like to see reintegrated into the Old Port, and I can imagine it would allow for an interesting and distinct character. For as nice as it is, the Old Port still seems a little too dependent on tourist dollars to keep going – at certain times of the year, let’s face it, the Old Port can be anything but hospitable, with much of Rue de la Commune boarded up until the Spring. I’d like to see actual sailors, people from all over the world, enjoying the Old Port and utilizing it as anyone may use a city, but there is a lack of affordable hotels in the area, as pretty much everything is geared towards wealthy American and European tourists. If this was altered slightly, and additional services for sailors were located in the Old Port, it would add a degree of authenticity (which can’t hurt) that may translate into additional sources of steady income for the Old Port as a neighbourhood and community.
The video above is pretty straightforward. It’s a town hall meeting, open to the public, in a small town of 3,600 people near the California border – Quartzsite Arizona. The woman who will be arrested in this video, Jennifer Jones, was informing the town council that they had violated Arizona’s open-meeting laws. Doing so irked some members of council, who demanded the local Police Chief, Jeff Gilbert, to arrest Ms. Jones. The Mayor of the community, one Ed Foster, can be heard in the video telling the council it is out of order, and further instructing the Police Chief to back off, as he is infringing on Ms. Jones’ first amendment rights. The Chief carries on anyway, and Ms. Jones is arrested and led out of the meeting. Towards the end you can hear a resident say ‘it’s the same thing every time.’
It turns out that the Mayor is correct, as is Ms. Jones. Mayor Foster was elected on a campaign promise to rid City Hall of its corruption. Foster has proof of financial mismanagement and impropriety, which likely would include council members and Police Chief Gilbert.
Today the town is under a kind of martial law, with the corrupt Police Chief in charge and the duly elected Mayor ousted.
The United States of America is no longer a protector nor promoter of democracy or progressive values. It was one thing to see the Tea Party’s ugly head as a protest movement, but a perverse ideology has developed over the past few years – stemming from this resurgent delusional idiocracy, and its allowing people to get away with massive, heinous crimes against the People. Now, a citizen who discovers proof of fraud – and a fraud which may have cost the residents of this community millions and millions of dollars is herself arrested, instead of those responsible. What an indignity to anyone who has ever championed the democratic ideal.
The Tea Party mentality has infected all strata of the American political system, and it is a disease, a vicious and tenacious cancer. From the lunacy of the RNC nomination process to the regular royal fuck-ups pertaining to basic American history and law by their star candidates, the GOP has become the party of the damned, the fools, the wicked. Who in their right mind would ever have anything to do with the Republitards in times like these?
And why are they constantly getting away with bullshit designed to prevent democracy?
Why are the people of the United States allowing them to get away with destroying their nation?
How is it that the Republican Governor of Wisconsin can take away state worker’s collective bargaining rights, set the police on their own people – the people they’re supposed to help and lead, and then stoop so low as to run fake democratic candidates to give the unpopular Republican incumbents another month to practice?
Remember Alvin Greene?
You thought that was bad – no one has ever taken of these people to task for their fraud, their deception, their lies and treason.
And as long as people keep looking towards the United States as the supposed defender of the democratic way, and this shit goes unchecked, the very notion of democracy may be lost forever, as it will have to leading light, no bulwark. It seems to have already succumbed to the inertia typical of the American mentality – the Dutch have even coined a term, roughly translated to ‘American Conditions’ to describe the progressive decline of a Western Power, and the subsequent destruction of its society and civilization, through excess and ignorance.
And now we come to Casey Anthony. I’ll let Bill do most of the talking here; he always manages to cut through the horseshit as far as I’m concerned.
Admittedly, I did not follow this case to the same degree as most of the daytime cable news hosts, and it took me a while to catch up with what this case was all about. After looking it over, the only thing I can think of is that, if this Casey Anthony woman was named Monique Washington and she came from Baltimore, I don’t think she would have even gotten a trial – least not a fair one. She’d a been tried in the public’s eye and put away. But the Anthony case reminds me that deep down, regardless of guilt, the World of American TV has its own rules it needs to follow. The World American TV lives and operates in is not the same as the one our laws belong to. There’s no democracy on TV, unless someone’s dying for it. And in this world someone so clearly responsible for the death of her infant can be ‘reformed’ through the endless excruciatingly close focus on every aspect of her life. In the process, it turned her from a celebrity prisoner to a celebrity murderer. Her family was represented by an entertainment lawyer. She’s been offered a contract to star in porn. Some people say ‘she’s suffered enough’. She’s a star now, and something tells me that’s all she wanted. Haven’t we all seen those Facebook photos?
At the end of the day we don’t want to pay attention to all that’s fucked up about the real world we live in – its too hard and we’re too lazy. But the world we invented for ourselves? The world where whatever fiction we can think of convinces us of its veracity? That world that plays by TV rules, and its the only rules we seem to be following anymore. We’ve created a fiction where philosophy, politics, rhetoric and reason are rated based on the graphics and sound-bytes that go with them.
Heaven help us – who knew it would be so easy to destroy.
Anyone see an orange thing flying in the sky around 11ish last night?
Here’s the r/montreal self-reddit plenty more fascinating details in the comments section; apparently, at least four other people saw something similar last night.
I really want to know – did anyone else see something? Ask around, maybe someone you know saw it as well. If so, add a comment to this post, and hopefully we’ll bump it up to the top of the page. How much you want to bet we could create a delayed-reaction slow-news-day report?
*Incidentally – I’m not making a claim as to what it was. It was weird, but I’m sure it has a logical explanation. Or maybe it doesn’t – who the fuck knows right? Either way I can guarantee you that I’ll continue, as always, to look up.
Consider as well that the trams are operating on congested, narrow, Old Port streets and doing so with a fair number of cars and pedestrians. Horse-drawn carts would have been considerably more common back then as well, and we managed pretty well.
Mount Royal tram tunnel, 40s or 50s - not the work of the author.
I both love and hate this picture as well. Here’s the hate: Drapeau built a trans-mountain parkway in the late-1950s and named it after his former political adversary Camillien Houde. Houde, incidentally, had been against a proposed parkway over the mountain for years, and Drapeau named it after him posthumously as a kind of sick joke. What a character!
The Parkway is useful and has become a practical method of quickly getting across the city. Apparently it’s useful to ambulances, hacks and the fuzz as well. Moreover, I gotta say – crossing the Parkway with a jazzed-up young cabbie blasting Dire Straights in the middle of a storm a few years back was thrilling. That said, I don’t think the total traffic usage has ever really justified the Parkway’s existence, and there aren’t nearly enough tourists going up the mountain for the ‘bus-access’ argument to be fully justifiable either.
This leads me to why I love this picture. As we can see above, before the Parkway, the route was used by a tramway. Moreover, the city was conscious not to disrupt the ‘natural flow’ of the park – as we can see, there’s a guy walking along a trail above the Tram Tunnel. The tunnel was located close to the Eastern Lookout – you can see where they blasted out the rock. This means that back in the day, the total green space of Mount Royal Park was considerably higher than it is today and further, that this space was a continuous green zone. I can imagine that this would have provided additional space for local wildlife, as there is a somewhat large sector of green space in Outremont, behind the university and adjacent to the cemetery which is still quite ‘raw’ and somewhat difficult to get to. I look at a picture like this and it makes me think of those ‘green crossings’ they build over highways in rural area to allow animals continuous access to green spaces.