I just discovered your website. My family owned a building on Guy Street across from His Majesty’s Theatre until the 1970s. It was just north of the Bank of Toronto building on the Northeast corner of St-Catherine O. I’m trying to find a picture of it in its heyday.
I’ve checked a few of the public archives but have not found one yet. Can you recommend anywhere to look?
Martin –
Great find! Thanks for helping John out, this comment had slipped my mind.
I love this photo, going to blog about it.
Thanks again!
Hi John,
I found this. http://www.mccord-museum.qc.ca/largeimages/00820006.jpg. I hope it helps
Sorry, make that the Northwest corner.
Dear Mr. Noakes,
I just discovered your website. My family owned a building on Guy Street across from His Majesty’s Theatre until the 1970s. It was just north of the Bank of Toronto building on the Northeast corner of St-Catherine O. I’m trying to find a picture of it in its heyday.
I’ve checked a few of the public archives but have not found one yet. Can you recommend anywhere to look?
Thank you.