Sometimes the gods just smile and align the stars just right.
Or in this case a tour bus for vedette Québec politician Pauline Marois, who was involved in running the province for a while about a year ago before she decided to start her campaign…
In terms of political clusterfucks of epic proportions, this one takes the cake.
I think the PQ is going to lose big, largely as a consequence of:
1. Selling out your base (via hiring PKP, pushing the unpopular charter, screwing students)
2. Running with the devil (PKP)
3. Retreating from the party’s key issue (independence)
4. Placing too much emphasis on the most divisive issue (charter)
5. Saying nothing of consequence re: getting more value from taxation, protecting the environment and creating jobs (bread and butter concerns)
6. Appearing hysterical in lieu of inspirational (David), funny (Legault) or rational (Couillard)
7. Claiming students from Ontario are trying to steal the election
8. Defending your candidate who spouts KKK conspiracy theories
9. Running a campaign against the former Premier, the man the PQ already defeated, instead of the new guy